With the salvation of souls and academic excellence as core elements of our mission, Our Lady of the Cross School follows 15 Standards of Excellence set forth by the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools. We train our students “to think intelligently, reason critically and wisely, and to express themselves with clarity and competence” (NAPCIS).
In recognition of and adherence to the Magisterium, the board, administration, faculty, and staff demonstrate what it means to walk by faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our philosophy of education is rooted in the Catholic tradition with a strong focus on Catholic moral teaching. Our goals and objectives, along with our policies and procedures, align our philosophy of education, academic excellence, and our identity as disciples on mission for the work of Catholic education.
Our highly educated teachers are experienced professionals with various backgrounds in public and private education. The curriculum content is informed by the Catholic tradition of excellence and Catholic pedagogy.
Admissions and evaluations ensure that students are able to fully participate in the Our Lady of the Cross learning environment. Located in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Our Lady of the Cross School facilities offer classrooms for dedicated learning, specialized learning centers, focused study spaces, and indoor/outdoor areas for recreation and organized sports. Students are able to eat lunch together and gather as a school family in the assembly room for guest speakers, student run programs, presentations, plays, prayer services, and liturgies in order to enhance the overall learning environment.
Our solid fiscal practices and processes ensure longevity and growth. Our organizational structure supports the operations of the school.
Through ongoing evaluation, our administration continues to seek opportunities to better enhance the incredible product that is offered. Systematic reviews and assessments look at every aspect of our institution to ensure excellence in the Catholic tradition.
Standard One: The school adheres to the tenets of the Catholic Faith in recognition of and obedience to the Pope and Magisterium.
Standard Two: The Board of Trustees, administration and faculty demonstrate the practice of the Catholic Faith in their daily lives and annually sign a profession of Faith to the Holy Roman Catholic Church and an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium.
Standard Three: The school has an established and documented philosophy of education in agreement with the Catholic Faith.
Standard Four: Catholic moral teaching is featured, supported, and rewarded in the life of the school.
Standard Five: The school has clearly defined goals and objectives consistent with the expressed philosophy and academic program of the institution.
Standard Six: The goals and objectives of the school are stated in a manner corresponding to the way in which the curriculum is actually organized and taught.
Standard Seven: The school defines and enforces policies and procedures regulating all administrative and academic actions.
Standard Eight: The curriculum content is informed by the Catholic tradition of excellence and demonstrates sound practices of education.
Standard Nine: The administration and faculty have the education and experience appropriate to the positions they fill and the duties they perform.
Standard Ten: The school defines and enforces admission requirements that prepare students to fully participate in the learning experience of the institution.
Standard Eleven: The school evaluates student progress in learning all elements of curriculum content.
Standard Twelve: The school facilities, equipment, and materials support and enhance the educational experience of the institution.
Standard Thirteen: The school demonstrates sound fiscal practices and processes, which include long-range planning strategies to support its academic program with adequate staffing, facilities, equipment, and materials.
Standard Fourteen: The school demonstrates a defined organizational structure that supports the corporate and academic operations of the institution.
Standard Fifteen: The school ascertains how well it is meeting its defined religious and academic goals by a means of evaluation that is an ongoing, systematic review and assessment of student progress, personnel, curriculum, management and finances, facility and equipment.